Clear, intuitive and custom-made. Our new digital time logging tool time@apleona has been specially designed, programmed and introduced to suit our needs, together with our employees and digitisation partner – to great success. In this interview, digital HR project manager Ines Leonardo offers an insight into the project.
How was the application created?
We developed the application from the ground up with our digitisation partner, Leo Vetterli from SyoLab, and tailored its programming to meet our needs. We completed the phased rollout in April, and now our entire workforce – numbering around 1'600 staff – logs their time with time@apleona. A major milestone!
The tool is integrated into our «Staff Center» employee portal, which we also developed ourselves. That’s also very practical for our employees, as they have access to all HR tools via the web portal.
What are the benefits of the new time logging tool?
The aim was to design the application so that it was intuitive to use and displayed all the latest key data, all while illustrating our complex structures and processes, such as our 10 different time models and various collective employment agreements. Another focus of development was on a modern user experience.
We opted for an agile method for development. This allowed us to start introducing the individual rollout groups early on. This also gave us more flexibility to consider the different needs of the individual rollout groups and the users’ inputs when developing the functions further. Alongside these benefits, however, the gradual development process also required patience and openness in the project team and among employees.
How have employees responded to the new tool?
The feedback has been very positive. I am of course delighted, as are the entire project team. Around 150 motivated employees who took part and helped test the application as test users, allowing their influence to impact implementation, also made a major contribution to this success. I found communication with the employees very positive – this resulted in a few good ideas.
By introducing time logging, we've reached a major milestone on our digital HR roadmap. As part of our digital HR project, we will now rethink other HR processes and make them more efficient by gradually digitising and integrating them into our «Staff Center» where it makes sense to do so.
We’ve put a great deal of passion into this project in the past few months. It’d like to take this opportunity to offer my warmest thanks to everyone involved. As well as our test users, huge thanks to our highly skilled and committed team of Andrea Steiner, Romy Carnot and Leo Vetterli.